What’s new with COAR Notify? – COAR

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-12-20


"As the momentum for new, more transparent and equitable models of scholarly publishing grows, so does community interest in journal independent and open peer review, overlay journals, and other types of innovative publishing platforms that together make up a rapidly evolving ecosystem that combines rapid dissemination and quality control in a distributed way. These models offer viable alternatives to traditional journals by distributing the functions of publishing across different systems (e.g. repository and peer review/overlay journal), potentially reducing both the technical and cost burdens of publishing. COAR Notify is an essential enabler in this context, because it provides a standard, interoperable mechanism for linking related resources across the ecosystem. In the second half of 2023, we have made steady progress towards our aims of accelerating the adoption of COAR Notify. Our activities fall into three broad categories: (1) supporting technical development of platforms and services(2) refining and documenting the COAR Notify protocol, and (3) community engagement. Below is a summary of our work over the last six months...."



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Date tagged:

12/20/2023, 08:45

Date published:

12/20/2023, 03:45