Open science in specific conditions in the libraries of the University of Zagreb

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-12-28


Abstract:  The University of Zagreb's higher education libraries operate in double specific conditions, one being the COVID-19 pandemic and the other two devastating earthquakes that struck the city of Zagreb in March and December 2020. Libraries around the world worked at a distance from users due to the pandemic, while ours were forced to keep a physical distance from their own spaces and materials. The promotion of the principle of open science in such conditions is specific, so the business experiences of libraries affected by both the pandemic and the earthquake will be presented, highlighting what has been done the most, as well as what we learned in that period. Through the examples of faculty "open libraries" of different scientific fields, which are components of the University, the importance of scientific infrastructure in special working conditions will be pointed out, such as repository, digital libraries and platforms for publishing scientific content, open user education and application of specialized scientomeric methods to evaluate scientific productivity. We believe that our experience will be useful to other libraries for working and promoting open science in unplanned conditions.


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Tags: oa.open_science oa.libraries oa.croatia oa.universities oa.repositories oa.platforms

Date tagged:

12/28/2023, 13:14

Date published:

12/28/2023, 08:14