The future of science communication, today | Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

peter.suber's bookmarks 2023-12-31


"Since the launch of bioRxiv, several self-organized groups of scientists have voluntarily taken on responsibility for evaluating research papers. Their assessments are publicly shared on the server so authors can address them directly. This dramatically speeds up the time it takes for findings to be evaluated and revised compared with traditional peer review. Nevertheless, 70% of all bioRxiv and medRxiv submissions still go on to be formally published in a scientific journal...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.biorxiv oa.biology oa.preprints oa.repositories oa.repositories.preprints oa.milestones

Date tagged:

12/31/2023, 16:52

Date published:

12/31/2023, 11:52