Institutional Repositories, Open Access and Copyright: What Are the Practices and Implications?: Science & Technology Libraries: Vol 35, No 4

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-01-07


Abstract:  A number of factors are driving open access to full-text journals: constantly rising prices of journal and database subscriptions, granting agencies requirements for recipients to submit their research publications into open access repositories, and pressure on libraries to create Institutional Repositories (IR) to promote the institutions’ reputations. Research proves that open access promotes the dissemination and use of scholarly works and citations for authors. This article examines the interactions among open access, institutional repositories, and copyright management. The research described herein investigates how institutional repositories are managing copyright and licensing issues that can interfere with open access.




01/07/2024, 05:26

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Date tagged:

01/07/2024, 10:24

Date published:

09/23/2016, 06:26