Managing Ownership of Copyright in Research Publications to Increase the Public Benefits from Research - Kathy Bowrey, Tom Cochrane, Marie Hadley, Jill McKeough, Kylie Pappalardo, Kimberlee Weatherall, 2023

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-01-18


Abstract:  Producing and disseminating knowledge is core university business and a collaborative, global activity engaging multiple stakeholders including universities, researchers, governments, Indigenous communities, commercial bodies and the public. While ownership of university inventions attracts scholarly and policy attention, effective management of copyright in research outputs is also necessary to maximise the benefits of publicly funded research, but often neglected. This article explains current dynamics in academic publishing and research ownership. It seeks to explain the complex interface of copyright law, university policies, academic customary practices, Enterprise Bargaining Agreements (EBA), research funder mandates and policies, the guidelines and policies that pertain to Indigenous research, and publishing contracts. The article concludes with proposals for copyright management to maximise opportunities for greater public benefit from Australian research.



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Tags: oa.copyright oa.universities oa.funders oa.policies oa.policies.funders oa.indegenous oa.australia oa.funders oa.recommendations oa.rights-retention oa.secondary_pub_rights oa.policies.universities oa.repositories

Date tagged:

01/18/2024, 09:08

Date published:

01/18/2024, 04:17