Learning & teaching about the scholarly communication process: Findings from graduate students and supervisors

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-01-19


Abstract:  Learning about scholarly publishing is an important part of graduate students’ transition from novice learners to experts in their particular field. However, the complexity of the scholarly communication process, and of the social and emotional factors that accompany it, can be barriers to graduate student learning about academic publishing. This presentation will share insights from focus groups with graduate students and faculty mentors at a Canadian research-intensive university about learning and teaching scholarly communication. The presentation will highlight both areas of overlap and difference in how students and mentors discuss the barriers and enablers to learning and teaching about scholarly publishing. Key findings include differences in learning by program, supervisor, and structured supports. Our study provides insights into how librarians and mentors can better support graduate students as they learn about academic publishing.




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Date tagged:

01/19/2024, 09:51

Date published:

01/19/2024, 04:51