Bulgaria implemented the Copyright Directive of 2019 – Digital republic
peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-01-19
"Today, the Law amending the Bulgarian Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act was promulgated in the State Gazette. This happened after last Thursday the National Assembly adopted at second reading the long-awaited amendments implementing Directives 2019/789 and 2019/790 into Bulgarian legislation....
Introduction of a zero-embargo Secondary Publishing Right
In addition, the CNRA introduces a special regime to support access to scientific literature – the so-called Right to a Secondary Publication. It already exists in a number of European countries, having been introduced in Spain in 2011, Italy in 2013, Germany in 2013, Austria in 2015, France in 2016, the Netherlands in 2018 and Belgium in 2018. Similar mechanisms are in the process of being adopted in Poland and the United Kingdom. Outside the European Union, the right of secondary publication is expected to be introduced in Switzerland...."