29 January Event: New Legislative Developments in support of Open Science – Bulgaria and Slovenia – Knowledge Rights 21

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-01-19


"This webinar will discuss exciting new legislative developments in Bulgaria and Slovenia to support Open Science. Joining the growing number of countries who are adopting laws to ensure access to publicly funded research we shall explore:

  • How intellectual property barriers to open access are being overcome;
  • How good governmental strategy can promote open science.
  • Provide insights into the Slovenian law which requires immediate open access and licensing of majority publicly funded  materials based on legal requirements mandating rights retention;
  • Examine the new law in Bulgaria, which prevents contracts with publishers from overriding rights retention and the republication of publicly funded articles in open access repositories...."



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Date tagged:

01/19/2024, 15:22

Date published:

01/19/2024, 10:22