RDA Common Descriptive Attributes of Research Data Repositories | RDA

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-02


The RDA Common Descriptive Attributes of Research Data Repositories outlines a list of common, concise, high-level descriptors that represent information that can be useful in describing a research data repository along with examples of how each attribute can be expressed as metadata in different schemata, limitations and potential complications that each might pose in harmonization, a brief rationale for why each attribute is important and a gap analysis of how easy or difficult it may currently be to locate this information from a data repository. The attributes are conceptual with examples provided for illustration purposes without endorsement of any particular approach, standard or implementation.




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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

02/02/2024, 09:02

Date published:

02/02/2024, 04:02