When you can’t use your own work as you choose…and what to do about it - CRASSH

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-17


"When you sign over copyright of your work to a publisher you also give them complete control over the reuse and dissemination of your work for the rest of your life. You will need to seek their approval if you wish to reuse your own work in any other way at any time in the future. So what happens if you are prevented from using your own work as you wish? and, more particularly, what can you do about it before you sign the contract? In this seminar we will be addressing the issue of secondary publishing rights for scholarly publications and looking specifically at the Rights Retention Strategy now being advocated by many funders."



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Date tagged:

02/17/2024, 08:47

Date published:

02/17/2024, 03:47