California Taxpayer Access to Publicly Funded Research Act (AB 609) - SPARC

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-21


"This legislation requires researchers receiving a state-funded grant from the California Department of Public Health to submit an electronic copy of articles resulting from that grant and accepted for publication to a publicly accessible online database. In the event that a California State funded researcher already has to submit their publication to an open access database to satisfy requirements from other funding sources or their university, the researcher can simply supply the link to that article to the funding agency and the California State Library. No later than 12 months after publication, the work would become openly accessible, free of charge, to the public through the California State Library. An online bibliography of all the research papers publicly accessible under this policy would be produced, and each entry would be linked to the corresponding free online text."


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Date tagged:

02/21/2024, 11:14

Date published:

02/21/2024, 06:14