DCN Response to NIH Best Practices for Sharing Software - Data Curation Network

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-21


"On behalf of the Data Curation Network (DCN), we appreciate the opportunity to provide input on the Best Practices for Sharing NIH Supported Research SoftwareNotice NOT-OD-24-005. The DCN has been an advocate for open and ethically shared data since our inception, and we are excited to see and support NIH’s continued efforts to provide access to invaluable data and research outputs. In addition to our comments submitted directly to the request for input, we offer the following feedback...."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks


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Date tagged:

02/21/2024, 12:10

Date published:

02/21/2024, 07:11