Intégrité scientifique et archives ouvertes : quels sont les enjeux ?

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-21


From Google's English:  "Never in the history of scientific research have the issues linked to integrity been so palpable. The move towards wider dissemination of knowledge is accompanied by major challenges in the production and publication of scientific research results. 

At the heart of this transformation, open archives play a central role, promoting a particular form of scientific integrity. Therefore, how do open archives, as publication platforms, contribute to maintaining scientific integrity and provoke reflection on the evolution of scientific communication?

For the third session of the Assembly of Partners , the CCSD is innovating and offering during this face-to-face edition, a thematic day rich in discussions on scientific integrity in the context of open archives. To do this, a scientific committee, chaired by Chérifa Boukacem and made up of representatives of partner establishments, was commissioned to work on the subject, inviting researchers to come and share their work on this subject...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.french oa.repositories oa.ccsd oa.hal

Date tagged:

02/21/2024, 12:33

Date published:

02/21/2024, 07:34