3e session de l'Assemblée des partenaires de HAL | Canal U

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-21


From Google's English:  "The CCSD organized the annual meeting of the HAL Partners Assembly on November 8 and 9, 2023 in Villeurbanne (ENSSIB). This was a first: following the validation of the new governance of the CCSD by the CoSO in 2020, the two previous sessions had been organized remotely for health reasons.

In 2023, this meeting was therefore an opportunity to bring together establishments that have a HAL portal as well as the steering committee and the CCSD orientation committee.

The event was organized in two stages:

  • Wednesday, November 8 afternoon was dedicated to the work of the various governance bodies of the CCSD and to achievements related to HAL. The objective was both to take stock of the past year and to identify the assembly's future actions.
  • Thursday, November 9 was a scientific day which crossed the theme of scientific integrity and open archives to better address the issues of current developments in scientific communication. The aim was to fuel the debate and answer questions that partner establishments of the HAL platform regularly ask...."



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Date tagged:

02/21/2024, 12:36

Date published:

02/21/2024, 07:36