Open Call for 2024 Open Future Fellows โ€“ Open Future

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-22


"Open Future is looking for fellows who will contribute to our work on advancing Digital Public Space and cultivating Digital Commons. For the first time, we are opening the call to creatives.

We are a small, dedicated team of advocates, researchers, and community builders working to make the internet open. We strive to question the status quo and trigger tangible changes within the open movement and European digital policies. This is the first time we are opening the call also to include creatives....

Fellowships typically last 12 months, but we are open to other arrangements. Fellows will be offered a monthly stipend of between 400-750 euros (we adjust salaries, fees, and stipends based on the location of the individual), assuming about 30 hours of fellowship-related engagement per month. Based on individual proposals, we will discuss production-related costs related to a creative fellowship...."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.open_futures oa.funding

Date tagged:

02/22/2024, 15:13

Date published:

02/22/2024, 10:13