NIH released RFI on Proposed Use of CDEs for NIH-Funded Clinical Research and Trials | Data Science at NIH

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-23


"The National Institutes of Health (NIH) released a Request for Information (RFI) on Proposed Use of Common Data Elements (CDEs) for NIH-Funded Clinical Research and Trials (NOT-OD-24-063). Responses are due April 20, 2024. 

NIH is requesting input on: a set of minimum core CDEs in the demographics/personal characteristics category; recommended CDEs in the clinical domains including autoimmune diseases and immune-mediated diseases; high-level CDEs for social determinants of health (SDoH) domains; tools and technologies that could enhance the use of NIH CDEs; and policies and governance that could facilitate and incentivize broader CDE usage in research and in data sharing and management.

This RFI is also an NIH effort to understand the challenges and opportunities in the use and development of CDEs in research and to inform appropriate NIH guidance and mechanisms to lower the barriers to CDE use and improve the ability to aggregate and integrate CDE-based data.

Interested parties may find additional information at: ..."


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Date tagged:

02/23/2024, 09:30

Date published:

02/23/2024, 04:30