OBF » Call for the first round of OBF Event Fellowship 2024 & overview of the last round of 2023 » Call for the first round of OBF Event Fellowship 2024 & overview of the last round of 2023

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-24


"The call for applications for the OBF Event Fellowship 2024, round 1, is now open. The deadline for this round is 1 April 2024. Applications should be submitted via this Google Form. We have provided a Word template to help you draft the application locally before filling out the form – make a copy of this template.

The OBF Event Fellowship program aims to increase diverse participation at events that promote open-source bioinformatics and/or open science. We invite applications from candidates seeking financial support to attend relevant scientific events from May 2024 to December 2024. These events include conferences, workshops, code fests, hackathons, training courses, collaborative sprints, informal meet-ups or other skill-building and networking events. For more details, please read our OBF Event Fellowship policy document...."



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Date tagged:

02/24/2024, 15:18

Date published:

02/24/2024, 10:17