2nd Diamond Access Conference Report

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-27


"The summit hosted the 2nd Diamond Open Access Conference which brought together signatories to the Action Plan for Diamond Open Access to further develop efficiency, quality standards, capacity building and sustainability. As of today, more than 160 institutions from across the globe have endorsed the Action Plan. In line with this plan and political statements such as the EU Council Conclusions on High Quality, Transparent, Open, Trustworthy, and Equitable Scholarly Publishing and the second French National Plan for Open Science, ANR announced its strong support in Toluca. With funding of €250K for the launch of the European Diamond Capacity Hub, it aims to facilitate access to the necessary resources for all those managing diamond OA publications, venues, and initiatives in Europe in collaboration with other regional Capacity hubs of the Global Federation. This financial support is in addition to the €850k that ANR has already allocated to the French National Fund for Open Science in support of Diamond projects. The French National Centre for Scientific Research has also announced its support for the European Capacity Hub.

This consensus extends to national policies and the policies of Science Europe’s member organisations, amplifying the impact of our collective efforts. To strengthen this effort, I invite funders and research institutions to join this global movement to support bibliodiversity and equitable scholarly publishing...."



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Date tagged:

02/27/2024, 10:01

Date published:

02/27/2024, 05:01