Open source meets open science - announcing the Open Science Network initiative

peter.suber's bookmarks 2024-02-28


"The scientific method must be liberated. In an era marked by misinformation, mass surveillance and political propaganda, corporate monopolies and platforms hinder scientific innovation and knowledge sharing. Scientists, researchers, academics and their affiliated organisations must have control over the tools and medium they use to publish, review, share, study and discuss their work.

Today, we’re excited to present the Open Science Network initiative, a first step towards open and federated digital spaces designed to push the boundaries of open science and scholarly communication. You can read more about it on the official website...."


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks

Tags: oa.floss oa.open_science oa.bonfire oa.osn oa.platforms oa.infrastructure oa.social_media oa.orcid oa.fediverse oa.discussions

Date tagged:

02/28/2024, 12:07

Date published:

02/28/2024, 07:12