Peer Evaluation : Home page

Connotea Imports 2012-03-08


From the press kit for the launch (3/5/12): "In the unnerving spiral of running after peer reviewed journals and writing more articles that will only be accessible to people and libraries who can afford them, you might hear a little nagging voice inside of your head. It says that your article is right there on your desktop, that you have followers on Twitter, friends and peers you met at yesterday’s conference. It says that you could get precious feedback, links and advice in no time. You, alone, could manage the whole process, for free, and your results would be available to all, instantaneously. But if you were to take the open road, what would you need to convince employers, funding bodies or publishers that this material is, indeed, worthy of their attention? You would need to show them that it has been peer reviewed, validated and endorsed. You should be able to produce summarized and trustworthy peer reviewing histories for each of your communications, with names, qualifications and affiliations of your reviewers. To public and private funders, you should be able to demonstrate that your contributions to science are used and reused; you should be able to point at the places where they’re currently being read, discussed, referenced and shared. Finally you should be able to show that your results, conference papers, data sets or even videos are disseminated widely and accessible to all; that people searching Google Scholar or any other search engine can access all of your communications for free. Peer Evaluation allows you do all of the above and there’s a lot more coming your way in the weeks and months to come. Thank you for reading and we hope to see you soon on Peer Evaluation?"


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Connotea Imports

Tags: oa.peer_review oa.repositories



Date tagged:

03/08/2012, 11:03

Date published:

03/04/2012, 09:44