Mysteries of the Elsevier Boycott

Connotea Imports 2012-03-08


"A couple of thoughts occurred to me upon learning about this. The first was along the lines of, “Well, at least this has the potential to get Elsevier’s attention.” Unlike subscribers, authors actually have monopoly control over something that Elsevier wants. If a library or individual chooses not to buy an Elsevier product, Elsevier can always look for subscribers elsewhere, and the money will be equally valuable no matter where it comes from. The same is not true of a research article; just as the journal publisher has monopoly control over an article to which it has secured the copyright, so the author of an article has monopoly control over that article until he assigns it to a publisher. My second thought, however, was, “Wait a minute. Why is Elsevier the specific target of this boycott?” ..."


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Date tagged:

03/08/2012, 11:04

Date published:

02/03/2012, 11:58