Science in the Community - Science Careers - Biotech, Pharmaceutical, Faculty, Postdoc jobs on Science Careers
Connotea Imports 2012-03-09
"Involving communities as partners in health care research is “not that common,” [Robert] Petrella says. But he thinks its importance is growing....Make sure all participants have timely and open access to data and that the processes for collecting and sharing information are transparent, Hik says. “You don’t have to all agree on the interpretation, but at least you’re using shared and common information.”
Ensuring access to data and other research products doesn't mean merely posting data online. The inputs and outputs of your research need to be accessible to people who don't have advanced scientific training and applicable to the needs of the community. “It’s important to realize that you can’t just send a photocopy of your research paper or your thesis. It’s a different document with a different audience and probably with different content,” [David] Hik says...."