Ein Überblick über Open Access Geschäftsmodelle mit besonderem Fokus auf profitorientierte Verlage

Connotea Imports 2012-03-10


Title as translated by Google: "An overview of open access business models, with particular focus on for-profit publishers." The author's English-language abstract: "Open Access has already become an interesting target for publishers like Springer or Wiley. Due to the fact that there are more and more Open Access articles published the publishers will have to act and deal with the new conditions. There already are loads of different business models for Open Access. The following thesis will show the current state of these models, how these models may develop and take a closer look at the business models of some publishers."



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Connotea Imports


ru.no oa.new oa.business_models oa.german oa.profits



Date tagged:

03/10/2012, 11:50

Date published:

03/10/2012, 11:27