Efforts for ‘Opening up of Access to Research Outputs’ in India

Connotea Imports 2014-09-20


"Availability and Accessibility (of IARI publications) • Examined for 2008–2010, of the 221 indexed journals, only 19 (9%) were open access journals indexed in DOAJ18. Additionally, 14% of the published articles could be found on Eprints@IARI. Thus, up to 23% of the published literature is available and accessible to the public. • The percentage of articles available in CeRA was 69%. This shows that a little more than 30% of the articles published were not available to the researchers in CeRA, a closed consortium model that makes articles available through subscription to NARS constituents. Through CeRA, 78% of the full texts were available online and the rest were available through a document delivery system. This means that nearly 20% of the articles from IARI were only available in print form and were not in electronic format. • These figures represent results from the years 2008–2010 only; we may presume a different picture for articles published when IARI first began. However, under the projects e-Granth and E-PKSAR of NAIP, which are encouraging back issue digitization, researchers may get some relief, as many of the old journal articles are being made available in open and electronic form. Source: http://src-online.ca/index.php/src/article/view/86 ..."



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Date tagged:

09/20/2014, 07:50

Date published:

09/20/2014, 03:49