Pressemitteilung: Elsevier-Boykott: Akademischer Frühling in Deutschland eher verregnet

Connotea Imports 2012-05-16


From Google's English: "An early May poll conducted ZBW about the current boycott Elsevier and Open Access makes it clear: The established system of expensive Subskriptionszeitschriften Although unpopular, but is operated primarily for lack of reasonable alternatives further....A total of 813 economists / inside participated in the survey. 8 percent of respondents had signed the Elsevier boycott. 39 percent of the scientists / inside, however, have made a conscious decision not to participate in the academic revolt. Another 8 percent were neither informed nor interested. The lion's share of respondents, however, that is 46 percent, had to start the survey on 2 May 2012 not yet heard from the Elsevier boycott....On the subject of open access 73 percent of respondents replied that they, in principle, the open-access support idea, but lack of alternatives publish mainly in classical Subskriptionszeitschriften because they often have a better reputation and better ranking feature. Only 6 percent of respondents already publish in open access journals. 6 percent of the scientists / inside the other hand, hold the open access idea is not viable to continue and continue to publish in traditional subscription journals...."


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Tags: oa.petitions oa.boycotts oa.elsevier oa.surveys oa.german oa.germany oa.economics oa.ssh



Date tagged:

05/16/2012, 09:49

Date published:

05/16/2012, 07:33