Presumption of disclosure - Daily Press
Connotea Imports 2014-12-11
"President Barack Obama doesn't have a stellar record when it comes to transparency. And this session of Congress falls short when it comes to passing meaningful legislation.
So it's fair to say that the two branches agreeing on a bill to streamline and strengthen the federal Freedom of Information Act would be quite an accomplishment. In fact, it would extend a laudable record of enacting legislation that promoting government openness.
In order to do that, however, the U.S. House needs to approve the FOIA Improvements Act of 2014 before it adjourns on Thursday. A prior version of bill won unanimous consent from the House, and the Senate on Monday gave its approval without opposition.
We therefore look to the House — and, naturally, to our delegation there — to ensure this important piece of legislation does not fall to the wayside in the last-minute rush. Members should act as representatives of the public, and the people's right to know, by voting in favor of this legislation ..."