Tony Clement concern about electronic information access queried | Mobile
Connotea Imports 2015-03-10
"Treasury Board President Tony Clement's dire warning about why the government can't release certain electronic data under access to information requests seems to have left his senior staff mystified, newly disclosed documents show.
In an interview late last year, Clement said that some database requests under the Access to Information Act can’t be released in their original electronic format because the numbers could be manipulated and 'create havoc.' At the time, Clement was responding to complaints that requests for electronic data often produced records in paper form that couldn't be scrutinized by a computer for patterns. 'That’s the balancing act that we have to have, that certain files, you don’t want the ability to create havoc by making it changeable online,' he told The Canadian Press in an interview.
But emails from Clement’s senior staff show the statement left them puzzled about why their minister would make the claim ..."