Open Data Emerges as Driving Force in Civic Technology | Onvia

Connotea Imports 2015-11-14


"One of the biggest movements in state & local government in 2015 has been the push for open data. Open data allows government agencies to easily provide information to the public, increase government transparency, foster engagement with citizens and enhance civic life through technology. In the Center for Digital Government’s recent 2015 Digital Counties Survey, 54 innovative counties were recognized as being the best at using technology. Top winner, Fairfax County in Virginia, impressed the judges with their notable open data and transparency initiatives. Fairfax County’s CIO, Wanda Gibson, explains that managing the county’s data is a huge job because the county has 55 business agencies, each with different types and formats of data ..."


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Date tagged:

11/14/2015, 08:27

Date published:

11/14/2015, 03:27