India’s scientific publication in predatory journals: need for regulating quality of Indian science and education

Connotea Imports 2016-12-16


“Nature Index analysis 2014 rates India at the 13th place for its high-quality scientific publications. Despite this achievement, several studies have revealed that India is also among the major contributors of articles published in poor-quality predatory open access journals. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to estimate which category of educational and research institutes predominately publishes in predatory open access journals in India and to understand whether academicians in India are aware of predatory journals. It was found that private/government colleges contribute to about 51% of predatory publications, followed by private universities, state universities, national institutes, central universities and industries, for research articles published from September 2015 to mid-February 2016. The publication pressure among researchers and lack of monitoring the research being conducted are the major factors contributing to articles published in poor-quality predatory open access journals from India.”


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Tags: oa.india oa.publishing oa.quality oa.predatory oa.universities oa.colleges oa.hei oa.journals oa.south

Date tagged:

12/16/2016, 10:05

Date published:

12/16/2016, 05:05