Call to action: Tell Congress you support the Bipartisan Federal Research Public Access Act (FRPAA)

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Today (February 9, 2012), Senators Cornyn (R-TX), Wyden (D-OR), and Hutchinson (R-TX) and Representatives Doyle (D-PA), Yoder (R-KS), and Clay (D-MO) introduced the Federal Research Public Access Act, a bill that would ensure free, timely, online access to the published results of research funded by eleven U.S. federal agencies....Act now!....Thank FRPAA's introducing co-sponsors. Even if you're not in their districts, it's important to thank FRPAA's introducing sponsors (Sens. Cornyn, Wyden, Hutchinson; and Reps. Doyle, Yoder, and Clay) to let them know there is a large community of support behind the bill. Write your legislators, via the Alliance for Taxpayer Access Action Center. A letter of support is the best way to influence your legislators if you're contacting them as an individual. Through our action center, you can send letters to your legislators directly using pre-made templates that you can add to and customize....Raise awareness of and build support for FRPAA. Tell your colleagues about FRPAA, encourage them to contact their legislators as well. Sign the ATA Petition in support of FRPAA. Click here to view signatories of the petition. Like SPARC's Facebook Page and follow us on Twitter. Share our call to action and updates on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. Tweet at or post of the Facebook wall of your legislators to ask them to support and co-sponsor FRPAA; or, if they're already a sponsor, thank them for their leadership. Write a letter to the editor or op-ed for your local newspaper. You can write directly to them or by using our legislative action center. ..."



02/10/2012, 11:37

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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 11:45

Date published:

02/09/2012, 22:26