Continuity during Changing Times.

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


From the abstract: Over a decade ago, the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice (JCDP) was started by a group of dedicated professionals and with significant help from Proctor & Gamble, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, in disseminating peer reviewed articles in dentistry oriented toward dental practice. These articles included original research, case studies, reviews and new information from all facets of dentistry that would be relevant to practicing dentists, dental hygienists, assistants and dental technicians. Scholastic efforts and professional service provided by the journal's management team, reviewers and by authors expanded this fledgling journal to far corners of the world, truly making it a respectable journal indexed in PubMed [freely accessible database of The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and the US National Library of Medicine (NLM)]. Recently JCDP faced difficult times of a "significant past to a sublimating future". With the help and guidance of the stewards of the past and energetic new successors, JCDP was hoisted out of troubled waters. With the editorial leadership from well-qualified professionals and the remarkable organizational capabilities of Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, JCDP will continue to be published online and be indexed as an important source of translational information into dental practice. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers will continue the traditions with a well-oiled knowledge transfer platform for rapid publication. In keeping with the 21st Century and after obtaining feedback from the users of JCDP, we will maintain the journal as an online and an open access journal....


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 11:58

Date published:

12/28/2011, 15:51