Ways to Increase Your Academic Visibility by Adrian Andreescu :: SSRN

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"3. Self-archive your papers. Why it is very important to self archive your academic articles in a repository? Because the goal of your dissemination activity should be to maximise research usage and impact. Try to avoid uploading your papers exclusively in institutional repositories that are not open to public access. Better solutions are currently available (e.g., Social Science Research Network, The Social Science Open Access Repository, HAL, CogPrints, Hprints, OpenDepot, ResearchGate). Self-archiving is easy ! As many articles can be self-archived in compliance with publisher policy, put them on the paths that most scholars use when they explore the information jungle. Open repositories are especially useful when your are not publishing in journals that have sufficient mass to make your work rapidly visible to a wider international audience...."



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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 12:07

Date published:

12/13/2011, 16:11