Piloting Business Models for OA Scholarly Monographs in Humanities and Social Sciences
Connotea Imports 2012-07-31
"The project will commence by consulting with a range of stakeholders to get a full understanding of the current monograph publishing environment. Once the consultation stage is completed, the requirements and knowledge gathered will be used to create an invitation to tender.
The invitation to tender will invite monograph publishers in the HSS to become partners in the project and to submit a selection of titles to be published in OA on the OAPEN platform and on other platforms. Publishers that are selected will receive funding from the publication fund that will be managed as part of this project. The invitation will define the criteria for selection, the rules of engagement and ongoing requirements in terms of promotion and data evaluation....At the end of the pilot period, JISC Collections will analyse all the data and present the findings, recommendations and guidelines...." [PS: Funded from April 1, 2010, until July 31, 2012.]