A&M libraries promote use of Open Access journals - The Battalion - Texas A&M

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"The use of Open Access journals could have a significant impact on student fees. In addition to requiring that authors transfer all their copyrights away, publishers collect heavy tolls from high prices on textbooks and journal subscriptions, said outreach librarian Gail Clement with Texas A&M University Libraries. Clement said that the $1 per year increase in the library student fee just covers inflation on journal and database subscriptions. "If more journals were open access, and more of our faculty contributed to open access journals rather than commercially published journals, perhaps the publishers would not have the gall to keep increasing their subscription prices so much every year," Clement said. With Open Access, readers can download articles for free, and without having to deal with copyright issues....Free, pre-stamped postcards for students to send to faculty to ask them to submit their work to Open Access journals will be available at the Open Access Café information booth...."



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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 12:21

Date published:

10/25/2011, 10:09