IFLA Open Access Taskforce established

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Following the endorsement of IFLA's Statement on Open Access by the Governing Board, April 18th 2011 —and the subsequent approval from the Governing Board during the WLIC in Puerto Rico August 2011 of a number of key initiatives— IFLA's Open Access Taskforce has been established. The taskforce will work on the following issues: [1] Advocate for the adoption and promotion of open access policies as set out in IFLA's Statement on Open Access within the framework of the United Nations institutions (UN, UNESCO, WHO, FAO); [2] Build Capacity within the IFLA Membership to advocate for the adoption of open access policies at the national level, through the development of case studies and best practices for open access promotion; [3] Furthermore the taskforce will connect to the various organizations working for Open Access – as indicated in the statement -such as SPARC (US/Europe/Japan), COAR, OASPA,EIFL, Bioline International & DOAJ, among others...."



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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 12:25

Date published:

10/11/2011, 14:23