News: Bucknell faculty approve open access for research articles || Bucknell University

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Scholars and readers worldwide will now have free access to newly published peer-reviewed articles and other scholarship produced by Bucknell University faculty members. Bucknell's faculty overwhelmingly approved a policy establishing open access at their Oct. 4 faculty meeting...."After considerable discussion and review of current approaches for broadening access to academic literature, Bucknell's Committee for Library and Information Resources and Committee on Instruction recommended that the faculty adopt open access as its default method for disseminating scholarly articles," said Param Bedi, vice president for Library and Information Technology....A 2010 survey by Library and Information Technology staff found that even Bucknell professors and students did not have access to a significant portion of articles authored by the University's own faculty. To provide open access, the University will publish scholarly articles online in Bucknell Digital Commons, an archive accessible to anyone with Internet access...."Bucknell authors will no longer be limited to subscriber-restricted audiences, increasing impact and influence. We look forward to a future of greater recognition and citation of our scholarly publications," said Heath Hansum, faculty member in the department of theatre and dance and chair of the Committee for Library and Information Resources at Bucknell...."


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 12:27

Date published:

10/06/2011, 22:14