ARL Policy Notes, About those orphans

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"In the days since they filed a wide-ranging lawsuit against research libraries over their collaboration with Google and the nascent Orphan Works Project, the Authors Guild has dropped several clever blog posts walking through the orphan candidates list to see if they can find rights holders. While this kind of collaboration is exactly what HathiTrust and its partners had in mind when they posted the list, the Michigan Library has announced they are suspending the project so they can improve the search process in light of the information the Guild is finding. As Michigan says in its statement, this iteration is a salutary part of the process and does nothing to discredit the underlying goal of identifying and surfacing neglected works. It is important to remember a few [6] things as the project re-tools...."


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Tags: oa.usa oa.copyright oa.books oa.orphans oa.litigation oa.digitization oa.hathi



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 12:38

Date published:

09/24/2011, 15:22