Kapitalisten: Schlimm, schlimmer, [Wissenschaftsverlag]?

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


From Google's English: "At the Guardian, there is just one very pertinent article on the subject of 'scientific publications' George Monbiot explains how enormous (and actually incredibly) the profits of the big publishers are, and how little (read: ridiculous) is actually their own contribution. Yes is no secret that the authors produce data, write the text to create the illustrations and format both (almost) ready for printing. The author or the reviewers are volunteers. The article offers some interesting, but unfortunately not necessarily reassuring numbers. For example, Elsevier: 1998 to the immense profit margins of 40% was predicted an early end. 2010, there were still 36%. The former 'oracle' referred to the growing possibilities of electronic forms of publication, this would break up the monopolies. Nothing like this has happened. Again and again, open access (OA) is mentioned as a possible way out, and currently attempting the Alliance of German science organizations to bring the project back to the front. Published by the Alliance, " Frequently Asked Questions about Open Access and secondary publication rights "to give similar information as in many parts of the article at the Guardian (and provide a good introduction to the terminology and concepts behind open access)...."



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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 12:44

Date published:

09/12/2011, 18:43