APA supporting Open Access?
Connotea Imports 2012-07-31
"Does [the American Psychological Association (APA)], probably the most influential organization in psychology today, support the goal of open access to research? I am a bit confused as to an answer to that question, so I tried to write an informed perspective on APA’s policy on open access. You can find what my inquiry has elucidated in the rest of this post....Is it really possible that open access threatens the health of scientific review process in science [as alleged by the APA president in 2007]? No....Moreover, a report by the Joint Information Systems Committee offers an exhaustive analysis of the economic implications of alternative scholarly publishing models....Not surprisingly, the authors of the report imply that OA does not only allow peer review, but creates opportunity for improvement. I wonder if the policy makers in APA ever found or read this report? It should not be too difficult of a task, considering it can be found in full online under open access. Unlike most APA published material...."