Science in the Open » Blog Archive » (S)low impact research and the importance of open in maximising re-use
Connotea Imports 2012-07-31
"My belief is that the way to ensure the best opportunities for downstream re-use, over all timeframes, is that the research outputs are open, in the Budapest Declaration sense. But we don’t have to take my word for it, we can gather evidence. Making everything naively open will not always be the best answer, but we need to understand where that is and how best to deal with it. We need to gather evidence of re-use over time to understand how to optimize our outputs to maximize their impact.
But if we choose to value re-use, to value the downstream impact that our research or have, or could have, then we can make this debate not about politics or ideology but how about how best to take the public investment in research and to invest it for the outcomes that we need as a society...."