Publishing in an open access age: preserving the scribbles, getting heard, and assuring the quality of information

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


An editorial in the inaugural issue of Brain and Behavior, a new peer-reviewed OA journal from Wiley. Excerpt: "The open access publishing model gives authors an opportunity to disseminate their results to an extremely wide audience in new ways. Authors can publicize their work knowing that readers can instantly access it without the need for institutional or personal subscriptions. Given this landscape and the fact that publishing in this digital age is evolving rapidly, it is anyone's guess as to where we will end up in the future. Nevertheless, one thing remains certain: scientists will still need a way to filter sources and ensure that information is trustworthy. Proliferation of various electronically published periodicals can mislead an ever-growing readership, and it is imperative for leaders in the scientific community to maintain the standards of peer-reviewed publications while making publishing as dynamic and advanced as possible. I would like to congratulate Wiley for taking a proactive approach by putting professional resources behind their neurology, neuroscience, psychology, and psychiatry family of journals and moving forward with open access publishing...."


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 13:27

Date published:

06/23/2011, 15:01