BioMed Central | Duplicate publication
Connotea Imports 2012-03-24
"Any manuscript submitted to a BioMed Central journal must be original. The manuscript, or substantial parts of it, must not be under consideration by any other journal.
In general, the manuscript should not have already been formally published in any journal or other citable form.
But, if made clear and justifiable upon submission, there are several exceptions to this rule....Posting a manuscript on a pre-print server such as ArXiv or Nature Precedings is not considered to be duplicate publication. BioMed Central will also consider peer reviewing manuscripts that have been posted on an author's personal or institutional website. Material that has formed part of an academic thesis and been placed in the public domain, as per the awarding institution's guidelines, will also be considered by BioMed Central's journals.
BioMed Central also encourages self-archiving by authors of manuscripts accepted for publication in its journals...."