Recommendations for Implementation of Open Access in Denmark: Final report from the Open Access Committee
Connotea Imports 2012-07-31
The final report of Denmark's Open Access Committee makes 16 recommendations. Excerpt: "It is therefore the recommendation of the Open Access Committee that as far as possible there should be Open Access to the results of publicly funded research via green Open Access with built-in quality assurance in the form of peer review by the scientific journals. This means that research articles, after a peer review process in the existing journal system, will be published in parallel in an institutional or subject-specific repository, to which there will be open access. This parallel publishing could be put into practice with a limited deferred period, during which the articles would solely be accessible in the journals....Recommendation 1. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation establishes an Open Access policy....Recommendation 2. Research councils and foundations establish Open Access policies....Recommendation 3. Universities and other research institutions implement and promote Open Access policies....Recommendation 8. Danish scientific publishers and scientific associations prepare discussion paper on scientific monographs' transition to Open Access.... Recommendation 15. National planning of open access to and long-term preservation of primary research data...."