Bibliometrics: a new feature for institutional repositories

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


n addition to its promotion and conservation objectives, Archimer, Ifremer’s institutional repository, offers a wide range of bibliometric tools described in this document. As early as the recording stage, numerous automatic operations homogenize the information (author’s name, research body, department…), thus proving the quality of the bibliometric analyses. Now, Archimer enables, among others, the automatic calculation of several indicators defined by Ifremer and the different ministries in charge in the framework of its four-year contract. It also offers various criteria aimed at analysing its document production (eg. distribution of the value of the journals’ impact factors, evolution of the number of quotations in other publications, presentation of international collaborations…). As a consequence, the centralisation of Ifremer’s document production in Archimer will replace a number of different systems currently used by its research units to carry out such tasks. This should therefore result in an increase in Ifremer’s productivity as well as in a greater reliability of the archived documents.


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Tags: oa.repositories oa.metadata oa.france oa.french oa.metrics bibliometrics scientometrics



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 14:12

Date published:

05/13/2011, 12:39