Ithaka S+R Library Survey 2010: Insights from U.S. Academic Library Directors

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"The survey offered several questions related to open access but not a thorough treatment of attitudes on this topic. Open access was a popular strategy among respondents, but its impact was difficult to measure. The rising price of materials continues to be a concern at all types of academic libraries. A majority of respondents (64%) said that high prices constrain their ability to provide the materials that the faculty members at their institutions demand....A large majority (83%) of respondents agreed with the statement: “Academic libraries should take an active role in educating faculty members about open access (Figure 24).” Moreover, they agree that open access journals that are linked from their website are part of their research collections (Figure 25)....Of responding library directors with an institutional repository, 53% see providing open access to materials as the key function of their repository, though the percentage of respondents who agreed with this statement was much higher among doctoral institutions (at 66%)...."


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07/31/2012, 14:12

Date published:

04/06/2011, 09:44