NWO steunt project voor open access-boeken
Connotea Imports 2012-07-31
Google's English: "[The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research or Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) made a] One time payment of 360,000 euros in the Dutch continuation of the project OAPEN. OAPEN (Open Access in European Networks) is a European initiative to book publishing through open access to all accessible. The project started in 2008 and ran until February 2011. It has already led to more than 1,000 open-access books published in the OAPEN library. OAPEN has given a unique business model. Funding for this project is open access policy of NWO. Now stop OAPEN European initiative would also mean a loss of accumulated knowledge on business models for open access publications. NWO invests Therefore, with a fee of 360,000 euros in a Dutch follow that seeks to open access publishing of scientific books further....The partners in the Dutch OAPEN continuation of the Amsterdam University Press, University of Amsterdam, Utrecht University, Leiden University, the Academy and the Royal Library. For this purpose, a foundation. With the support of NWO and the partners in the Netherlands OAPEN at least three years to continue. Scientific publications are a source of knowledge. Publicly funded research should be freely accessible. To pay for examination of eight research NWO be incorrect. Open access publishing becomes the norm. NWO aims to increase global support for the open access business model, which not the reader but the author pays for the publication of articles. NWO in 2010, five million euros available for open access to stimulate."