Digital Data Interest Group โ€“ A Year in Review

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"The NSF [data-sharing] requirement, now active, will have an immediate effect on archaeological practice in that all proposal writers now must make their data management plans explicit in less than two pages. This is a generally positive development. In order to help mitigate the most onerous step for proposal writers, the NSF has proactively suggested (but not required) that proposal writers avail themselves of the expertise of two non-profit, research organizations run by DDIG [Digital Data Interest Group] members, the Digital Archaeological Record (tDAR), and Open Context. However, in order to realize the best benefits of this new requirement and subsequently derived practices in other funding and regulatory agencies, the American archaeological community will need to engage in a substantive dialogue about data management standards, ethics of data sharing, and citation practices....The OSTP [White House Office of Science and Technology Policy] call for comments [on a cross-agency OA mandate] closed on January 21, 2010. The last update on the subject was March 8, 2010, which indicated that input was still being reviewed....Comments from the archaeological community included a generally supportive letter co-authored by DDIG member Francis P. McManamon, executive director of tDAR, which also recognized the need for some measure of disciplinary cohesion around to derive benefits from such openness...."


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 14:43

Date published:

01/30/2011, 10:18