Mapping the progress of science in Africa

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"2011 marks the beginning of an African 'decade for science' as countries across the continent make plans to reduce their foreign aid dependency. Developing countries, however, still rank access to subscription-based journals as one of their most pressing problems. A recent study by the Southern African Regional Universities Association highlighted comparably dire findings with respect to the lack of access to and dissemination of research publications in the region. This is a serious issue which, if not addressed, will stunt scientific progress in the developing world. Open access publisher BioMed Central is a publishing partner of Research4Life, the collective name given to HINARI, AGORA and OARE, the three public-private partnerships that offer research for free or at very low cost to developing countries. Open access publishers offer free online access to research and play a large role in helping to maintain the domestic science initiatives running in these countries."


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Tags: oa.access oa.bmc oa.hinari oa.research4life oa.south



Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 14:49

Date published:

01/13/2011, 23:12