University of Tromsø principles for Open Access publishing

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


"Hence, the University of Tromsø will adhere to the following basic principles of Open Access to scientific results. [1] Self-archiving: The University of Tromsø has as its general rule that students and researches shall self-archive their publications in Munin, the university’s institutional repository. Publications will be made available through Munin within the constraints of the agreements the authors have made with the publisher and publishers’ principles for self-archiving....[2] Choice of publishing venue: The University of Tromsø has as its general rule that students and researchers shall – provided publications are of equal scientific worth and stature – choose publishing venues that provide the freest access to the publications, either through having a positive attitude to self-archiving or by being an Open Access publishing venue. [3] The University as a publisher: The University shall endeavour to make journals and other publications published by the University Open Access publications. It is a goal that all publications published by the University shall permit self-archiving, and that self-archiving of the final published version (publisher’s PDF) shall be encouraged...."


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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 15:45

Date published:

10/18/2010, 11:11