Les mémoires de Master dans les archives ouvertes

Connotea Imports 2012-07-31


Google's English translation of the abstract: Contrary to the theses of the third cycle, open archives contain little memory of the master level. The International OpenDOAR reported nine open archives with this type of material (over 1,500 sites). In France, there are three sites for storing, reporting and dissemination, with hundreds of full text documents. It is little, both in relation to the number of masters students in higher education in France in relation to the contents of open archives they represent only 0.3%. Even if the level of memory is not linear, their interest is tied to their character of case studies (practical experience), their literature reviews (prior art) and their reflection and methodological experimentation. Today, the spread is often limited to local access to printed material. Their bibliographic control is often quite poor. Thus, there are several arguments in favor of a policy of submission of Master's theses in open archives: - Better dissemination of memoirs, with universal and immediate access, and basic metadata. - Strengthening the label of the institution through better visibility of the production and activity of its students. - A training and development of students, with a positive impact on employability. The report addresses the legal aspects (copyright, privacy, authentication by the institution) and quality (selection of the best records), and it will raise the issue of integration of such a site in a national student works infrastructure and emerging social sciences. It includes a comparative study of ten Web sites.



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Date tagged:

07/31/2012, 16:29

Date published:

09/07/2010, 23:02